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The time has come to get ready for that long-awaited camping trip. The most important thing you can do is make sure you have all the necessary gear. No one wants to find themselves in the woods without the right equipment.
Not only is it important to have the right gear, but you will want to make sure it has been carefully selected. Gear that doesn’t hold up to the abuse you’ll give it will only lead to an unpleasant experience. To ensure your trip is a success, use the following information when picking out your equipment.
1. Backpacks
You will want a good backpack for carrying all of your camping gear. Backpacks come in three main categories; day packs, overnight bags, and long-haul packs. Day packs are smaller, and they are ideal for carrying bottled water, a first aid kit, maps, and other essentials for hiking. Overnight packs are larger, and they will hold your most essential equipment and clothing while long haul packs will handle all of your gear for the entire trip.
2. Shoes
When shopping for camping, you will want to get yourself a quality pair of hiking boots or shoes. Sneakers simply won’t hold up or offer as much comfort as a shoe made specifically for camping. Look for ones that provide support, padding, and stability for your ankles while walking over rough terrain. Once you have selected a quality pair of shoes, look for the best boot waterproofing spray to ensure your feet stay warm and dry.
3. Tents
Your tent should be one of your top priorities when purchasing camping gear. Do a little research before selecting one. For example, the Travel Channel recommends looking for one that is durable and large enough to provide proper ventilation and space for sleeping without leaving you feeling claustrophobic. Tents come in many sizes and types. Look for a lightweight tent when backpacking and heavier tents with added luxuries when camping close to the car.
In addition, you’ll find there are two distinct varieties of tents. The three-season tent is a good option for camping anytime of the year except for winter. Four-season tents are constructed from a much heavier fabric that is strong enough to handle snowdrifts.
4. Sleeping Bags
Sleeping bags also come in a variety of weights in order to accommodate different temperatures. To find the right one for your needs, you will have to determine where you will be camping and when. Summer season sleeping bags are best when camping in temperatures of 35°F or higher. Three-season bags are best between 10°F and 35°F while winter sleeping bags are specially designed for temperatures of 10°F or colder.
In addition, you will want to invest in a sleeping pad. The camping website Camping with Gus, for example, recommends a sleeping mat or air-filled pad for extra comfort. The size pad you choose will depend on your weight and height. Look for a durable option that fits within your camping budget.
5. Maps
There is a very good chance when camping that you will find yourself in areas without cell phone service. This is why good old-fashioned paper maps and a compass are a must when it comes to camping gear. Find a map of the area you’ll be visiting before you leave home, and make sure you know how to read it. You can still use your GPS, but don’t rely solely on it when it comes to finding your way to safety.
6. First Aid Kit
A first aid kit should be one of the first things you pack when gathering together your camping gear. Make sure that it includes staples like bandages, gauze, and pain relievers, but you’ll also want to include camping specific items such as bug sprays, moleskin for blisters, and aloe vera for burns. You can find several good checklists online that you can use to make sure you have everything you need in your kit.
7. Flashlights and Lanterns
The woods can be very dark at night. You’ll want more than your campfire to rely on for light. Make sure you have included a reliable and sturdy flashlight in your camping gear. LED flashlights are ideal for finding your way through the woods while lanterns can be placed on tables to provide a broader expanse of illumination.
Use this information as a guide when it comes to selecting the proper shoes, tent, sleeping bag, and other important camping gear. You’ll be glad you did when you find you have everything you need packed into the perfect backpack. Your trip will be a success filled with wonderful memories that you’ll treasure for a lifetime.